People love feeling appreciated. They also love receiving some sort of thank you gesture. Your inbound calling auto insurance customers are no different. Remember how I have said you need to gain your customers trust and build a relationship. A great way to increase both trust and add to your relationship is through a simple thank you gesture. When your dentist sends you a thank you card or Starbucks gives you a free coffee for being a member, it makes you feel good and you want to continue to come back for your 6-month cleaning with that dentist and will probably continue to get coffee through Starbucks.
Your client relationships are just like personal ones – they require work. “If your business strategy doesn’t include processes to go out of your way to say, ‘thank you’ to your customers, they will eventually leave you,” saysInsurancesplash.com. This is very true, no one wants to work with a company where they feel they are unappreciated and just giving them money with no return, that doesn’t make people feel good.
I’m not saying you need to do grand thank you gestures. It could be something as simple as a thank you phone call. Better yet, send them a thank you note. With snail mail being a rare form of communication receiving a handwritten thank you card is a special treat. It shows you not only thought about them, but took the time to write it out and send it. Even something as little as a $10 coffee card or free oil change, can go a long way in making your customers feel appreciated.
Final thought; thanking your auto customers not only is good for them, it’s good for your customer retention and could lead to increased business. People who feel good about places they do business with tell their friends.New referral opportunities are an easy way to grow your business. In my post, Our 3 Favorite Insurance Marketing Tips, I mentioned that 76% of people ask family and friends when looking for insurance. So, if the people they are looking to are happy due to you cultivating your client relationship through a simple thank you gesture, your clientele could very well increase.