In pasts posts, I have written about how to market your insurance agency to new clients and inbound callers and some of the tools you should be using. But what if you want to market a specific section of your agency, say auto insurance? Below are a few ideas of how to specifically target audiences with marketing auto insurance.
- Participate in Local Auto shows
A great outside the box idea for marketing auto insurance is local auto shows. Not only will the new cars need auto insurance, but the people who attend these shows usually want better auto insurance than the average driver. Find out what you can offer and how you can be better than average for their insurance needs, or how can you top what auto insurance they already have? Youlead.org, also takes it a step further, by saying, to not only market auto insurance at the auto show, but if possible, sponsor a local show. This shows you care about the same things as they do and is a great way to achieve auto enthusiast’s trust and respect.
- Utilize Social Media
Did you know there are over 20 thousand posts with the hashtag #autoinsurance on Instagram? And with Twitter and Facebook, I would bet it’s well over 100 thousand throughout the social media channels. All these posts are free. In previous posts, I talked about utilizing social media for marketing. However, when you are being super specific, in this case, marketing auto insurance, social media can be even more useful. Search for people or groups who are interested in cars, look for people who mention they are looking for new auto insurance, or parents of new teen drivers and reach out to everyone. Social media is a perfect way to reach out to people/groups in a noninvasive way and let them know you are the person for their auto insurance needs.
- Partner with a Dealership
Start a relationship with an auto dealership. Similar to the auto show, people are buying cars and will need insurance. The dealership can use you as a recommendation. Ask the dealership if they will put you on their website, add them to your site. Mutually follow each other on social media. If they are having a sale or event see if you can have a table there. Let them advertise at your agency. Start an auto marketing relationship, and see both your businesses grow.
Obviously, so many other possibilities for marketing auto insurance. The important thing to remember is think how you can make your agency standout among all the rest.