In my last post, I wrote about how if you are not using technology like consumer inbound calling or technology to grow your business, you really should start. Today we are going to further the tech talk, and delve a bit deeper into the inevitable use of social media to grow and help your agencies insurance business.
Much like technology social media is here, and it has become a huge part of how people now communicate, get, and share information. You may remember my post about 3 Tips for Selling Millennials Auto Insurance, where again I touched on how to use social media to gain the more connected generations. But social media isn’t only for Millennials. According to a 2017 Pew Research Center report, 69% of the public uses some type of social media. The use of social media of those 50-64 has grown by 61% since 2006, that’s a huge part of the population, using social media. So why aren’t you taking advantage of this new way to promote, communicate, and market your business?
How do you get started? An easy first step, according to Roughnotes.com, is start a Facebook and Linkedin page for your agency. Facebook is the most widely used of the social platforms and, per the Pew Report, is the broadest representation of the population, and like all social media sites, it’s free to get started.
Once you have started to dabble with Facebook and Linkedin, add the icons to your website and your email signatures. Let people know how to connect with you. Now move on to other platforms, like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Tumbler. Do you have a blog? If so, start sharing your posts on your new social channels.
While social media is fun, it’s also work. Remember in the post, 3 Favorite Marketing Tips, Tammy Elizabeth Southin, a social media marketing consultant, said, social media is a roll up your sleeves interactive work that can build solid relationships and reputations. She of course is right. While it’s a great way to get your business out there and join the online communities, people are not just going to interact with you, because you sell auto insurance. They are, however, going to interact with you because you are posting and sharing great content, you are being part of chat groups and you are joining the conversation. Also, and I can NEVER stress this enough, remember to NEVER, NEVER, ignore or forget to respond to all inquiries and comments, whether they are followers or not. Treat every tweet/comment as a potential customer, because in the long run, it could be.