An easy way to provide your customers with insurance resources, and a solid way for free marketing is to add a blog to your insurance website. Blogs are usually free to set-up, are often short posts that take minimal amount of time to write and provide content to your various social media channels. But, brainstorming ideas for posts can often be tedious and sometimes incredibly difficult. In this post, we are going to look at some ideas for your insurance blog posts, and how to find others.
Content creation doesn’t have to mean reinventing the wheel with every post. Post ideas can be borrowed from other sites, and tweaked to reflect your culture and strategies. A post by Advisorevolved.com says, that most of the ideas you could write about insurance have probably already been written. However, they do recommend a great way to generate original and unique Google content would be to answer questions no one else in the insurance industry is willing to answer. Discovering these questions could be as simple as thinking back to questions your inbound calling customers have asked, then Googling to see if others are asking the same questions. If there is not an abundance of information on the topic, use your expertise and write a post about it.
Another idea for blog ideas is to write about the happenings in your agency. Did the person that answers your phones for the past 10-years retire, did your agency or one of your agents win an award, how was your yearly retreat, adding pictures is a nice touch. By writing about events within your particular agency, it humanizes you and your agents, and like I said in my last post, humanizing your company makes the customers trust you more.
To build on humanizing your agency, writing about your community involvement always makes for useful blog content. Did you sponsor a race, are you part of a community garden, did your sponsored elementary basketball team make it to the finals? Whatever it is, write about it. Not only is getting involved in your community giving back and useful blog content, it also shows your customer you stand for something. And as customers evolve, standing for something will set your agency apart from the others, which is often what today’s more modern insurance customer is looking for. Inbuzzgroup.com writes, posts about yourselves is a great way to remind your clients of why they chose you and can sometimes be the deciding point for someone who has not chosen you as their agency yet.
Insurance blog ideas can be found all over the internet, within your agency and from your customers. Here are a few other links to get you started. In addition, if you have some excellent insurance blog idea, share them in them with us in the comments.