Best Practices for Success in 2017

Bringing in the new year is always an exciting time, and the time when consumer requests for insurance increase.  As many agents evaluate their successes and shortcomings in 2016, and look for new ideas to make 2017 more successful, we wanted to share some tips to get your new year off on the right foot!

Here are some best practices we've heard from many agents:

  • Marketing automation for a more efficient office
  • ROI Comparison across multiple vendors
  • Implement a marketing strategy that works FOR you

There have been some great articles written about moving into 2017, one being from Benefits Pro about agency trends moving into 2017.  One of the biggest takeaways I've seen is that as consumers become more technically savvy, it will be vital to create an agency that truly gets paid on the value it provides to the consumer.  If you would like to check out the article yourself, it can be found here.  In an effort to expand on the above points on best practices, here are some of our combined insights:

  • Marketing automation for a more efficient office

Streamlining your sales process with potential clients will make your team more efficient. Setting up auto-responders, using an inbound call service, and having an effective follow up strategy will ensure you keep your close rates high, and will help maximize time your producers spend writing policies.

  • ROI Comparison across multiple vendors

It's important to evaulate your vendors on a monthly, or even quarterly basis.  Knowing what your close rate is across multi-channels will help grow your book of business, and will help you spend your marketing dollars on the most effective channels for your office. In a previous post, I mentioned traditional close rate statistics, and how there is not a "one size fits all" model as regional restrictions and buying personalities change.

  • Implement a marketing strategy that works FOR you
Your marketing, whether in house, or through a call, lead, or marketing vendor should be doing the heavy lifting for you.  What I mean by this is that the vendors you work for should be sitting on the same side of the table WITH you, and measure their success off your success.  If your close rates dip, or your number of policies written drop in a given time, it's important that your vendor works with you to ensure best practices are being followed and that your marketing campaigns contribute to your growing agency.

For more helpful tips into 2017, feel free to reach us as we love to chat insurance marketing! 

From all of us here at Avenge Digital, we hope you have a happy, healthy, and successful 2017! As always, we are here as a resource, and know our team works hard to bring you success.

We do offer a complimentary a consultation with one of our experienced team members,  feel free to reach us at (855) 749-1267 or click the button below.

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